Create Youthful vitalitY!

You are likely here because Barbara (that's me!) provided you with a MetaPWR™  sample and a QR code.
Please watch this video introduction I made for you ...

What's next?

As you can see in the graphic, very few U.S. adults (and it would be a similar profile for Canadians) have optimal cardio-metabolic health.  Our metabolic health influences:  energy, weight, sleep, mood, clarity and stress levels.  The most successful approach to anti-aging is to optimize your metabolic health. 

Come to one of Barbara's classes to learn more.
(To see all class dates:  under When and where click More options to see all dates.)

Contact Barbara for a one-on-one consultation if those dates don't suit you or if you'd like to host a private class.

The above graphic helps visualize the dōTERRA Wellness Lifestyle.
It was created around foundational health principles that build on top of each other.
Think of it like Jenga blocks. If you remove the foundation, the components would topple
because nutrition, digestion, movement and metabolism impact all other aspects of your health and well-being. 
dōTERRA is about proactive, natural ways to address the root concerns.
Temporary or superficial solutions aren’t enough. dōTERRA provides top quality products to
support your body on a cellular level so you can live a youthful, vibrant life, no matter your age.
The lifestyle choices you make each day are the foundation for your wellness.

Video Section

Sizzle video

For a quick general overview of the dōTERRA MetaPWR™ Metabolic Health System, watch this video (< 4min).

Detailed video

Barbara and her colleague Eva really get into the details in this presentation (1hr+14min).  Click below to watch.

REady to start?

Barbara (still me ;) loves to answer your questions and support your experience with TONS of resources.
There are online courses, 30-day support programs, FB challenges, documents and other materials.

If you'd like to order your MetaPWR™ System immediately, you can do it HERE.
(It is in USD and the membership and shipping are FREE!)
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